

Daily 4: Thanks

Short one today, because it’s Thanksgiving and I shouldn’t be spending a lot of time on the internet . . . even though I’m heading off to my second (third?) job right now, and will be there until seven in the morning, mostly surfing the net. Woo~. Still! I got to have fun with friends all day, drink beer, eat good food, and watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is (each one, and especially all of them together) always fun....

Daily 3: Peace of mind is a daily notecard

If I have a takeaway from today, it’s of just how lost I am without a simple item: a single notecard. I write my daily to-do list every night, on a notecard. It looks something like this: That’s the one from yesterday. I list out the tasks I do every day (habits, or “habs”), highlight tasks according to importance, and generally get a handle on the coming day. I also have a weekly notecard, as well as a digital file where I dump all the other...

Daily 2: Reacting to an emergency

The first day after I said I was going to do these, I got righteously drunk. Let’s see how this goes. I saw a dog getting dragged behind a car today. I hope it wasn’t on purpose. My first thought was, ” . . . ???” I don’t know that I had a proper first thought. I couldn’t process it. I was doing some deliveries, and I was a lane over and several cars back, and I just couldn’t understand what was...

Daily 1: Daily public journal

Sometimes it’s discouraging being a writer. You see, I just wrote this big, lovely post where I set out to explain what I was about to do, and what that “Daily 1” in the title means. I think it was quite good, and honest, and all that jazz. Then I realized that I’d already written it. “Radical transparency. I’ll try.” Whoops. The crux of that post, and the other I half-wrote today, is that I wanted to be more open. I wanted to be vulnerable...