My Farewell as Stilts From Random Curiosity

August 2, 2020

It’s been a while. I’ll let you all know everything that’s been going on with me another time. Today, I wanted to commemorate a big announcement in my writing life that I just made somewhere else.

After eight and a half years, today I stepped down from writing at Random Curiosity.

For those who only know me from my fiction writing, this news might not mean much. But for those who first met me as Stilts from Random Curiosity, this is a big deal. Writing at Random Curiosity has been a part of my life for nearly a decade now, and that’s a hard thing to let go. That’s why I’m making my first post here in almost two years. I felt news so large needed to be commemorated in more places than one.

If you’ve followed me both here and on RandomC, please read my farewell post. Everyone who read my work there helped me to get here, to where I can call myself a professional author, even if my third book is a tad overdue. As I continue with my writing career and look to restart my fiction career, know that the lessons I’ve learned in my time with Random Curiosity, and the relationships I’ve built, will continue to guide me as they have ever since I joined on the first day of 2012. It’s been a wonderful ride.